Two small-annoyingly tiny, actually-lights on the front of the dock indicates the drive and network connectivity states. The dock has a USB port for adding external devices like extra storage or a printer, as well as a Gigabit Ethernet port for connecting the GoFlex Home to a router. The entire unit weighs just under three pounds, runs quietly, and remains cool to the touch even after running overnight. The storage system consists of a Seagate FreeAgent GoFlex Desk drive that sits in a dock. If you're willing to pay the higher price, you'll get better performance and the same ease-of-use that less expensive home NAS devices deliver. The GoFlex Home 1TB model lists at $159.99 and 2TBs is $229.99, while iConnect and Pogoplug retail for $99 and $129, respectively. Feature-wise, the GoFlex Home is on par with its USB NAS competitors, though it's a little pricier that its USB counterparts. Seagate's Free Agent GoFlex Home Network Storage System is a solid HDD-based choice for consumers who want a NAS that's speedier than USB NAS devices such as Iomega's Wireless iConnect Wireless Data Station ($99.99 direct, ), and Pogoplug ($129 direct, ). Best Hosted Endpoint Protection and Security Software.